1955 Johnston Cookies Panels Baseball Checklist | New & Vintage Sports & Non-sports Checklists

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1955 Johnston Cookies Baseball Card Checklist
- 6 Cards

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1955 Johnston Cookies Panels Baseball subset checklists, price guide, buying guide and shopping comparisons on singles.


1955 Johnston Cookies Panels #P1 Hank Aaron/Lew Burdette/Bob Keely/Del Crandall/Danny O'Connell/Charlie Gorin
Milwaukee Braves
1955 Johnston Cookies Panels #P2 Chet Nichols/Charlie White/Joe Adcock/Joe Jay/Charles Leaks/Andy Pafko
Milwaukee Braves
1955 Johnston Cookies Panels #P3 George Crowe/Roy Smalley/Jim Pendleton/Warren Spahn/Gene Conley/Joe Taylor
Milwaukee Braves
1955 Johnston Cookies Panels #P4 Bill Bruton/Johnny Logan/Dave Koslo/Dave Jolly/Johnny Cooney/Andy Pafko
Milwaukee Braves
1955 Johnston Cookies Panels #P5 Chuck Tanner/Phil Paine/Ray Crone/Ernie Johnson/Eddie Mathews/Duffy Lewis
Milwaukee Braves
1955 Johnston Cookies Panels #P6 Bobby Thomson/Bob Buhl/Jack Dittmer/Jim Wilson/Bucky Walters/Charlie Grimm
Milwaukee Braves