Sports Card Checklists: New & Vintage Sports & Non-sports Checklists

Best Results: Type words from the Set, Player Name, or Team. Order is not important, and matching set names exactly is not important. You may use asterisks as wildcards (*) or (-) to exclude.

New Release checklists on are compiled from public information released by the Card Manufacturers. Our checklists are posted as soon as the information is available, with photos and current sales history when available,

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All of these checklists, are available for use with the GLE Tech Multiple Channel Control Panel. The details we store in our database are used for eBay Item Specifics and detailed information for the Amazon Marketplace when listing sports cards for sale with our tools. New checklists are added as soon as they are available for all new releases of Baseball, Basketball, Football, and Hockey Sports Cards. We are adding past releases on a daily basis.